Character isn’t something you were born with and can’t change, like your fingerprints. It’s something you weren’t born with and must take responsibility for forming. Jim Rohn
I believe an important skill to have and an important job strategy to utilize is to be able to have “people skills.” This is similar to having good communication skills, but it incorporates a little more as well. Rachel Zupek names one reason in her article “Top 10 reasons employers want to hire you” that having the ability to get along well with others is crucial. Regardless of the skills you have, if you cannot get along well with others, your career with a company will be short lived. As an undergraduate, I had an accounting professor tell me that I would succeed with any company because I could get along well with others. He explained to me that having knowledge is important, of course, but he gave examples of where employees were let go by corporations because of their lack of “people skills.”
Zupek, R. (2011). Top 10 reasons employers want to hire you. Retrieved from
Excellent! So…why do many managers downplay soft skills (i.e. good people skills)?
Professor Green
I agree with the recommended strategies in this blog. We are creating an information and skilled based society in the 21 century. It is developing into a technology and skill-based information society. The job security that was available in the 20th century is disappearing. Unlike baby boom generation, X and Y will experience several changes in jobs in their life. Job security is becoming instinct. The most effective job strategy would be to prepare themselves for a fast moving and mobile work environment. In recent years we have seen a trend of increasing home workers where people telecommute instead of going to a business location. This is made possible due to advancing technology and information based work environment.
Even the medical profession is moving towards electronic health record keeping where it will become possible for health professionals to communicate with their patients through electronic media. “’Electronic health information exchange holds great promise for improving patient care and outcomes,’ said Mark Savage” (McDonald, 2012). This makes communication so much easier. Therefore the need for electronic workers is rapidly increasing. I believe speed is important, how quickly can you adapt to the changing circumstances of the market? That is definitely the skill that will be most highly in demand for future jobs.
McDonald, F. (2012, 03 6). [Web log message]. Retrieved from
Positioning yourself for emerging jobs in technology: 10 tips. (2011). Informally published manuscript, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Retrieved from
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I have been thinking more and more about finding a job recently. My dad told me the other day about a job opportunity for a company in TN that also had affiliates in my home country Belgium. I always see these kind of companies as great opportunities. I have a set of skills that most Americans can not give, I am fluent in 2 languages, and have a good understanding of a 3rd. These are very great perks to have when you apply to an international company. In an article from the NY times I read that “There are now — for the first time in three decades — more young women in school than in the work force”(Rampell, 2011). I think these days young people are just not easy to satisfy, there are good jobs out there, but you just have to work for them. These young women go back to school because they are not reaching the job status they want fast enough.
Rampell, C. (2011, December 28). Instead of Work, Younger Women Head to School. Retrieved March 3, 2012, from
Excellent insight! Most high performing persons want to retool their skills so that they stay competitive. You are not alone. With your multi-language abilities, you are ahead of the game.
Dr. D. Green