I enjoyed reading your post and agree with everything you said. You mentioned in your post about the difference between employees wanting to help, and having to help. With the majority of business transactions taking place today most of the time individuals never physically see the person on the other end, a positive attitude is important. I do agree that good customer service is how businesses stand apart in today’s market. Thank you for your contribution to this weeks blog!
I completely agree with you. I work in the banking industry, which is a service industry. Customer service is how we set ourselves apart from the competition. In fact one of our commercials is about our customer retention rate – are you one of the 96%? Thanks for sharing your research and insight!
First, I want to congratulate you on your book. It is an amazing achievement and something to be very proud of. Secondly, I wanted to say that I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I work as a manager for a retail drug chain and customer service plays a large role in what I do everyday. I had never seen the ROI estimates on positively resolving complaints. The numbers are very interesting. They lead me to believe that if some of the other managers I work with knew what they were losing they might be more pleasant when resolving difficult customer issues. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us and best of luck with your future endeavors.
I am glad that you found the ROI figures interesting. I felt presenting this information was very important in my book. It is what makes it relevant. Hopefully it will awaken many managers.
Thank you for your wishes.
I enjoyed reading your post and found it very interesting. I always knew that customer service was very important but seeing the ROI because of resolving customer issues makes it more of a realization. I agree with you on the statement that people can tell if you’re helping them because you “have to” or if it’s because you “want to”. That really makes a difference. I find it more offending if someone is helping me because they have to rather than not helping me at all. I used to work for a bank that put customer service first and foremost. They trained us using the Roxanne Emmerich techniques. We used those skills every day and were held accountable if we were not practicing them. It seemed to not only have an effect on the customers but the employees’ attitudes as well. We were more respectful to one another as a result. It really does make all the difference. Good luck to you! I look forward to reading your book!
Thank you Tammy!
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Hello, I am one of Professor Green’s current undergraduate students. I agree with what you had to say about improving customer service. I work with the mentally ill and in my profession a dissatisfied customer may mean that a client is not going to come back for services ever, may end up in the hospital, or could even harm themself. I do believe that there is something to be said for just providing a listening ear sometimes and showing that you are concerned with the issue that the customer has. Thank you for your entry to this blog this week!
I agree with your thoughts on the importance of customer service. I work in a family-owned collision repair facility, and most people do not enjoy coming in to see us. It typically means they have been involved in an accident which is a stressful situation in itself. We strive to ensure that there experience at our shop is the best it can possibly be. Most of our business is repeat and referrals, most likely due to our commitment to good customer service over the last 20 years. I really enjoyed your post!