As stated in the above posting, we have been discussing the socio-technical side of organizations and leadership. Doug DeCarlo discusses in his book, EXtreme Project Management : Using Leadership, Principles, and Tools to Deliver Value in the Face of Volatility, a manager for General Mills who became a project manager. “The Shared Value of honest communication, and concern for people over the process activated the value people first” (DeCarlo, 2004). The most important aspect of being a value based leader is putting people first. Managers have to be concerned with their team members and remember the old cliché saying “there’s no I in team”. The best way to model values is to emulate the values of those around you. Get to know those you work with, whether they are in a lower or higher position than you are. I think this concept has gotten lost because so many people instead value “every man for himself” philosophy when in reality great things have been accomplished by a great number of individuals. Back to the socio-technical side, how often have you heard someone say that a person accomplished something by himself or alongside a computer? Groups with a strong sense of core values accomplish tasks.
DeCarlo, D. (2004). EXtreme Project Management : Using Leadership, Principles, and Tools to Deliver Value in the Face of Volatility. Jossey-Bass.
I think value-modeling in leadership starts with valuing yourself first. If you don’t know what is important to you and what you want to accomplish, how can you expect to influence others to strive for goals? Harry M. Kraemer, a professor at Northwestern University and writer for Forbes Magazine. In his new book he talks about just that. “You must have the ability to identify and reflect on what you stand for, what your values are, and what matters most to you. To be a values-based leader, you must be willing to look within yourself through regular self-reflection and strive for greater self-awareness. After all, if you aren’t self-reflective, how can you truly know yourself? If you don’t know yourself, how can you lead yourself? If you can’t lead yourself, how can you lead others?”(Kraemer, 2011).
If the employees or teams you are leading sees that you know yourself and realize what your own values, they will be able to see what is really important to you and work harder for you as a result.
After understanding your own values, can you begin to learn and teach the values and culture of the organization. Leaders should have certain expectations for themselves, as well as the organization having expectations for those leaders. But once the followers realize the expectations you set for yourself as a leader, they will understand better the expectations you set for them.
Kraemer, H. M. J. (2011, April 26). The only leadership is values-based leadership. Forbes, 1-2. Retrieved from
Value modeling is an idea that most managers would say is a good thing for a company. It is a business concept that sounds great but is not always lived out consistently in the work place. When things are going well, one may find it easy to live out values of “integrity” or “respecting one another” for example. However during hard times, it becomes more difficult and can be easy to compromise values. As a management tool, value modeling is immensely more effective when things aren’t going well and adhering to values will cost something. This was the case of Gil Delgado, winner of Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the year award, who took this so seriously he turned down lucrative business opportunities fearing that it would compromise the values of his company. If a manager can exhibit the values of a company even when it would be easier to abandon them, the impact on employees can be profound.
Leadership by example. (2009). Smart Business Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky, 5(6), s10.
Businesses should also focus on hiring individuals with values similar to what is expected of the senior members of the organization, as oposed to teaching values in orientations. Spending a little more time during interviews may pay out dividends when it comes to creating and maintaining a company with sound values. Once hired it is the responibility of all individuals to uphold the values that they already posess. Values-based leadership is the foundation on which to build, but it is up to these leaders and all those below them to uphold these values at all times. If these parts can come together under effective leadership,then values are displayed by the company and its employees. It is important for values to be displayed by companies leaders because it often makes the public more confident in the organization.
Gililand, Stephen W. Emerging Perspectives on Values in Organizations.IAP, 2003. Pg. 151-173
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There is a piece of cross-stitched art that has always hung in my mother’s house. It is a version of the “If a child lives with…” poem usually attributed to teacher Dorothy Louise Law … “if a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn; if a child lives with fairness, he learns justice, etc.” This was the concept of role modeling that I was raised with. As a college student one of my first bosses at a Christian summer camp told us we should “preach the Gospel every day and if we have to, speak”, a phrase I later learned was attributed to St. Francis of Assisi. Steve Macaulay of the Cranfield School of Management defines a role model as “someone who serves as an example, whose behavior is emulated by other people and consistently leads by example” (Macaulay, 2010). While defining your corporate culture and laying out you company’s core values on signs and newsletters is important, what truly communicates those values at every level are actions.
Macaulay, S (2010, February) Are you a good role model? [Web Log Post]. Retrieved
Excellent insight on value building! I love the poem too!!!
Much of the credit or shame can be attributed to our parents. In fact, our family values often show up in our professional decisions at work. Is this good or bad?
Professor Green