I think If you ask me education tell gives you path for success and it’s up to you to take the path and achieve the success. In my opinion the education of the leadership essentials is very important because each one of us shared what held us back, what will move us forward, and what support we needed. The first step for leading diverse people understands the hardships that people who do not fit the mainstream white, United States born, male culture often endure. According to the book diversity helps organizations build better relationships with diverse customers and helps develop employee potential. (Pag. 94) One aspect of diversity of recent interest is women’s style of leadership, referred to as interactive leadership. As an example of a women leadership style is the president thirtieth sixth and current president of Brazil. She is the first woman to hold the office. Prior to that, in 2006, she was also the first woman to become Chief of Staff of Brazil. Leaders evolve through stages of personal diversity awareness and action, ranging from minimum efforts to meet affirmative action guidelines to valuing diversity as an integral part organization can become inclusive.
Daft, R.L. (2011) The Leadership Experience (5th) Mason Ohio, 45040, South-Western Cengage Learning.
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I’ve worked many jobs where I’ve had to be there on holidays without the extra pay. It is definitely good motivation for getting a degree. While I haven’t yet experienced any career changes because of having a bachelor’s degree, I hope this will change once I move forward with a graduate degree. I see education as an investment, but it isn’t full-proof unless you can show that you have more to offer than many other graduates who may be trying for the same job. Even with an education it is hard to remain competitive with the large amount of other graduates who may have more experience in the desired job field.
Being relatively new to the full-time workforce myself, I was unsure of our office policies in regards to Thanksgiving and other paid holidays as late as the week before. I was informed that we would be paid for the Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving break as long as we worked the Wednesday before and the Monday after. All other places I had been employed at always allowed me several holidays off, but never paid.
For one of the first times of my life, I finally had physical proof of why it pays to get an education.
Our nation is truly in a mess. Unfortunately, I believe it will take many Americans stooping below their pay grade to make ends meet, both for their families and for our nation. Fewer and fewer people are retiring. How could they afford it since they lost their retirement investments in the stock market? Couple this with the fact that more and more students are graduating from college and you get a log-jam in white collar America. Hopefully it will turn around soon.