I agree with your statement of “Personal branding is all about marketing and selling yourself to a specific target audience.” I also believe it is critical on how you create you brand and how others see it. Dr. Green emphasizes that personal branding is one the most important thing, when try to have success for yourself. I think that it is very important that you carry yourself and your image of how you want others to see it. You also when having to create your personal brand, you have to find ways to make yourself stand out from others. John Jantsch states, “Discover, capture, and commit to a unique position” (Jantsch 2003). If you find yourself a unique position to make yourself stand out, then you will have a good personal brand that makes you stand out of the crowd.
Jantsch, John. Duct Tape Marketing: The World’s Most Practical Small Business Marketing Guide. Thomas Nelson, 2011
Im sorry, it will not let me edit that response, but it was to Abby.
Personal Branding is essential in the world we live in today. How someone dresses, acts, and what their social media presence says about them is of the utmost importance. Companies want to hire someone who will represent their company well and attract more customers to the company. Your personal branding and the way you present yourself will set you apart from the other candidates. It could possibly be what gets you a job. One of the key aspects of personal branding is ones online and social media presence. One should always be working on presenting themselves online as well as possible. Also, it is not good to have no online presence. A good online presence is needed to get a job.
Seth Godin spoke about personal branding and said, “A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.”
Butler, B. (2016, November 19). 35 Famous Personal Branding Quotes That will Inspire You. Retrieved March 14, 2018, from https://benbutler.me/35-famous-personal-branding-quotes
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and insight! You stated, “how someone dresses, acts, and what their social media presence says about them is of the utmost importance.” I couldn’t agree with you more. In the modern business world, people can easily access your social media or any online presence you have, and it is very important to brand yourself in a way that looks appeasing to potential employers and customers. It is also important to be prepared to run into potential employers and customers in person as first impressions are lasting. Oliver wilson writes in an online article for Morgan McKinley that “people will judge you within the first few seconds of meeting you and this impression will stick by them” (Wilson, 2013). It is often vital to have a good first impression, and that is why I strongly agree that how one dresses and acts is of the upmost important. Thank you again for sharing your knowledge on this subject!
Wilson, Oliver. (2013, March 22). The importance of First Impressions. Retrieved March 2018, 14, from Morgan McKinley: https://www.morganmckinley.com.au/article/importance-first-impressions
[WC- 163]
London, I agree with your statement: “Personal Branding is essential in the world we live in today.”
Thank you for sharing! I like how you address the point that companies want to hire someone who will represent them well. I think this is a great incentive for people who raise the question “why does personal branding matter”. Employers are looking at your personal brand. If your personal brand is more impressive then you have an advantage, therefore it is important to put in some effort!
In an article Clark addresses how to reinvent your personal brand. It starts with defining your destination, then onto figuring out your USP, and sums it up with reintroduce yourself and prove your worth.
I think it is beneficial to remember that while our past marks us it does not always define us, it is just a portion of our life story. Personal branding is such a powerful tool and it is important to know it is never to late to improve your brand. Thanks again for sharing I loved reading your post!
Clark, Dorie. 16 Dec. 2014, “Reinventing Your Personal Brand.” Harvard Business Review, hbr.org/2011/03/reinventing-your-personal-brand.
London, thank you for your post and your insight on this subject. One thing I liked in particular was the comment, “One of the key aspects of personal branding is ones online and social media presence. One should always be working on presenting themselves online as well as possible.” I completely agree. From being an athlete to someone who is just looking for a job, one’s presence online and what they post could easily hurt someone but could also majorly help someone.
Thanks again,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on personal branding – I thought you put a lot of effort and time into this and really explained yourself well. I liked when you said, “Your personal branding and the way you present yourself will set you apart from the other candidates.” I believe this to be very true and have actually seen this happen with people I know. You don’t have to know everything and be the smartest person to get a job necessarily, but rather working hard and selling your personal brand just might land you that job over someone else. Brian Tracy made a great point when he said, “Make it a habit to do something every single day that improves your personal brand” (2017). Everyday we should strive to improve who we were yesterday and with this thought process anything is possible. Great post, London!
Tracy, Brian. The Importance of Personal Branding. YouTube. Brian Tracy, 2017.
Many people often think of large corporations and attractive logos or slogans when they think of the term branding. However, branding can be used in many different aspects not just businesses. Many individuals use branding in some of the most creative ways in order to set themselves apart from the competition. With all of the technology available these days, it is absolutely incredible what people can do with just the click of a button. There has never been the amount of opportunity to start branding oneself or his/her company. Although, many others will also be trying to take advantage of the opportunity to create a unique brand, so the competition is tough. A helpful tip shared by Shama Hyder is, “Your personal brand is strengthened or weakened by your connection to other brands.” (2014) She was speaking to the importance of being associated with other high quality businesses. Because when customers see the connection, they will be more inclined to take a second look at what you are doing.
Hyder, S. (2015, February 17). 7 Things You Can Do To Build An Awesome Personal Brand. Retrieved March 14, 2018, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/shamahyder/2014/08/18/7-things-you-can-do-to-build-an-awesome-personal-brand/2/#1fb62ca557e5
Thanks for your consideration on this topic! You are correct! Personal branding involves an assortment of items including name, image, and behavior. Most people forget this point.
Dr. Green
Hello Shane Black,
Thank you so much for your comment. You have displayed your knowledge and comprehension over Dr. Green’s article post. I agree with what Shama Hyder stated, “Your personal brand is strengthened or weakened by your connection to other brands” (2014). This is very important because what brands a company carries or uses can signify the quality of your own business. For instance, if a company gives all their employees a Mac book than this company would be look as a successful and prominent company. Perception is reality, so who your company is associated with give people a preconception of what your company values.
Hyder, S. (2015, February 17). 7 Things You Can Do To Build An Awesome Personal Brand. Retrieved March 14, 2018, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/shamahyder/2014/08/18/7-things-you-can-do-to-build-an-awesome-personal-brand/2/#1fb62ca557e5
Branding for many young adults, including those that have just entered or are still in college, is often thought of as a tool used by companies and businesses to make themseleves known to the public. While this is true, it is also important for individuals to make themselves known to the public through personal branding. Personal branding is the practice of individuals marketing themselves, their education, and their careers. Peter Gasca writes in an online article for The Entrepreneur that personal branding isn’t always about self-promotion, but also about “establishing your leadership style and how you want to be known both in and out of the workplace” (Gasca, 2016). Understanding your skills and strengths helps you, potential employers, and potential customers understand what you re capable of doing, and how you can have an impact in the field of business. While personal branding is a great tool to help promote yourself, it is also very helpful in defining who you are and want to be in the business world. Personal branding is extremely important and a very successful tool in modern business societies.
Gasca, Peter. (2016, April 7). A Strong Personal Brand Will Enhance Your Life, No Matter What You Do for a Living. Retrieved March 14, 2018, from The Entrepreneur: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/273589
[WC- 183]
Thanks for your insight on this topic! You stated: “Branding for many young adults, including those that have just entered or are still in college, is often thought of as a tool used by companies and businesses to make themseleves known to the public.”
I agree with you. Everyone needs to think about his/her personal brand. College students are no exception. Your LinkedIn profile is a good start.
What are other ways that college students can build their personal brand?
Dr. Green
I like the example you used for young adults. Technology is advancing so fast, which can be used as an advantage for us who are about to graduate college and step out to the “real world”. Personal branding is essential for us because it can help us stand out from the rest of the college students. There are very few jobs compared to the number of students graduating, therefore knowing exactly what you want to do and being known to be a devoted person who will do whatever it takes to make a certain business/corporation successful is essential for competition. “You’ve got to find a way to stand out […] create a core message that allows you to quickly communicate the difference between you and your competitors” (Jantsch, 2011). Marketing can profoundly help with personal branding.
Jantsch, John. Duct Tape Marketing: The World’s Most Practical Small Business Marketing Guide. Thomas Nelson, 2011
Thank you for posting such an interesting comment on Dr. Green’s blog. I really enjoyed reading what you had to say about personal branding and the importance of it in today’s time and culture. You used a quote from Mr. Gasca, who stated, “establishing your leadership style and how you want to be known both in and out of the workplace” (Gasca, 2016). I totally agree with what he said about establishing what is essentially your reputation and image. People will always identify certain things about people, if you want to have a respected brand, you must ensure that people get the impression that you would want them to have.
Gasca, Peter. (2016, April 7). A Strong Personal Brand Will Enhance Your Life, No Matter What You Do for a Living. Retrieved March 14, 2018, from The Entrepreneur: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/273589
Personal branding is what separates you from others. It is your identity. It is the way how you carry yourself image to others. It is also very important that you show off the identity you want to show off. Dr. Green always expresses how important branding yourself is. If you do not have a good personal branding, then you will just be hidden in the crowd with everyone else. Your core message should have a direct link with your personal branding. One example of how to create your branding, John Jantsch stated, “Find something that separates you from your competition; become it and speak it to everyone you meet” (Jantsch 2003). When you find something that makes you stand out from others and you become it, then it becomes your image and your personal branding.
Jantsch, John. Duct Tape Marketing: The World’s Most Practical Small Business Marketing Guide. Thomas Nelson, 2011
Everyone has a personal brand. The difference is that some people take advantage of the many resources available to improve or promote their brand while others do not. The way we walk, talk, dress, act, etc all plays a role in making up our personal brand. Just as previously discussed the lazy or busy college student that turns in a sloppy assignment is adding, or taking away from, their personal brand. However, lucky for us today there are many platforms for college students and business professionals to promote our brand. We live in an era of technology. As business people we have an opportunity to go above and beyond with promoting our personal brand via Linked In, Facebook, Instagram, or starting our own blog. In his article Gasca makes the point if done properly a personal brand can be much more than just self-promotion. It is personal/ raw and can be a great way to build credibility and confidence. Having an outstanding personal brand carries over into the workforce, and that is a character trait employers will be looking for.
Gasca, Peter. 7 Apr. 2016, “A Strong Personal Brand Will Enhance Your Life, No Matter What You Do for a Living.” Entrepreneur, http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/273589.
Amen! You get it, Payton.
I have been trying to explain to my bright, college students that they are building their personal brand while in college. When students turn in sloppy work, they are hurting their personal brand with their grading professor.
If they want a recommendation for their professors for a job or graduate school, can they depend of their professors for an amazing review?
Thus, everyday we are adding to our current personal brand.
Dr. Green
Having an Affective Personal Brand is essential for successful businesses. There are many reasons why, just like the video in this article showed eight laws of branding are meaningful and should be followed by businesses, which are specialization, leadership, personality, distinctiveness, visibility, unity, persistence, and goodwill. “When people hear your name, what words do you want them to think about?” (Tracy, 2017). The person who wants to be know needs to stand out and have a core message. “Core message that allows you to quickly communicate the difference between you and your competitors” (Jantsch, 2011). This is ideal, because then you will be unique and your personal brand will be affluent.
[W.C. 111]
Jantsch, John. Duct Tape Marketing: The World’s Most Practical Small Business Marketing Guide. Thomas Nelson, 2011
***I meant to put successful people not businesses, on the first sentence.
I also loved how it talked about what do people think about when they hear your name! First and foremost your personal brand starts with your name. Your name and what it carries says a lot about who you are! John Jantsch talks about how branding yourself like this will set you apart from others and I agree with him!
Jantsch, John. Duct Tape Marketing: The World’s Most Practical Small Business Marketing Guide. Thomas Nelson, 2011
I also liked how it describe what do people wonder about when they see your name branded! First your personal brand must starts with your name. Your name and what it shows says a lot about who you are branding yourself! John Jantsch talks about how branding yourself like this will set you apart from others and I agree with him!
Jantsch, John. Duct Tape Marketing: The World’s Most Practical Small Business Marketing Guide. Thomas Nelson, 2011
Personal branding is something that everyone goes through whether they know it or not. Every time you interact with a stranger, they develop an opinion about you, which is part of your personal brand. How do you want to be known? Well, your actions speak for themselves and those actions dictate how people view you. Building a positive personal brand is obviously an ideal strategy, Shama Hyder from Forbes magazine (2014), stated “What do you wish for people to associate with you when they think of your name?” A way she believes can help people achieve a great personal brand is to start thinking of themselves as a brand.
Any kind of action you take affects your personal brand, so make sure you make your brand as positive as it can be.
Hyder, Shama. “7 Things You Can Do To Build An Awesome Personal Brand.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 17 Feb. 2015, http://www.forbes.com/sites/shamahyder/2014/08/18/7-things-you-can-do-to-build-an-awesome-personal-brand/.
Dr. Green,
I agree totally with your assessment of the importance of online personal branding. If your social media following sees mediocre effort, or worse – not effort at all, then they are less likely to want to interact with you later. One tip I might add is the importance of engagement. The easiest way to show customers and other professionals that you care is to be engaged with them online – and often the type of engagement that you’re involved in can give them a sense of your personality. “You don’t want your company to do all of the talking. Everyday consumers are liking and sharing your content, asking questions, leaving comments, and unfortunately, sometimes complaining. “You shouldn’t ignore this engagement on your social media profiles…Just don’t let a week pass before engaging with those people…You don’t want to miss the opportunity to develop a lasting relationship with your consumers or prospects” (Edgecomb, 2017). Answering questions, liking posts, and general reachability can greatly improve your online presence and brand!
[WC – 169]
Edgecomb, Carolyn. (2017, March 27th). Social Media Marketing: The Importance of a Two-Way Conversation. Retrieved March 14th, 2018. https://www.impactbnd.com/blog/social-media-marketing-the-importance-of-a-two-way-conversation.
I loved the comment by Tennessee pastor, Richard S. Brown, Jr. saying, “Everyone wants to be outstanding, but no one wants to stand out.” This is so relevant today. Everyone wants to be someone and they all want to be great but not everyone is willing to do what it takes to get there. People either do not know how to uniquely brand themselves or they just do not want to put in the effort to do so. Dr.Green has talked a lot about personal branding and some ways to create your personal brand. Setting yourself apart from everyone else in a positive light is a great way to brand or rebrand yourself. Dr.Green was talking about first impressions in class one day and said that first impressions are very important because initially all people have to judge you from is how you look and what you are wearing. From that point on it is up to you in how you continue to brand yourself. I think that in branding yourself you should always be conscious in the things you do and the actions you make.
Tracy, Brian. The Importance of Personal Branding. YouTube. Brian Tracy, 2017.
I agree! Hardly anyone wants to put in the work to make themselves stand out! Demyers said, “A personal brand is like a garden. Once you lay the groundwork and plant the seeds, you’ll be in a great position to eventually reap the benefits.” This goes great with your comment. People need to look at their brand and themselves as a garden. The more work you put into it the more it produces and becomes fruitful. We often forget that it’s not just our work that needs our attention. We need the same level of dedication to ourselves in order to improve and reach that next step in life.
Demyers, Jason. Inc.com, 5 Steps to Building a Personal Brand, 2014,
Hello Dr. Green,
First of all I would like to thank you for your well-crafted response. Your post really signifies your knowledge and comprehension over this topic.
I specifically agree with you comment involving the importance of your online reputation. For example, last year I did a project trying to determine the importance of this and when I post my article, I had the highest amount of views and interactions with my audience. A major part of this is the interactions with your customers on a daily routine. “You shouldn’t ignore this engagement on your social media profiles…Just don’t let a week pass before engaging with those people…You don’t want to miss the opportunity to develop a lasting relationship with your consumers or prospects” (Edgecomb, 2017). It is critical for a company to constantly be in communication with their customers to thank them for their business and to address any issues that may arise. People are more likely to be returning customers if they have some relationship with the company.
Edgecomb, Carolyn. (2017, March 27th). Social Media Marketing: The Importance of a Two-Way Conversation. Retrieved March 14th, 2018. https://www.impactbnd.com/blog/social-media-marketing-the-importance-of-a-two-way-conversation.
Branding is essential in today’s society. Establishing a personal brand is something that can help you in anything from the job search to becoming famous. Social media is one way that people can effectively establish their personal brand. Keran Smith said that “By giving your business brand the social media touch, you not only generate more business but also connect with your customers better and serve them on a higher level.” (Smith 2017) This can also apply to your personal and professional life. By presenting yourself in a professional manner on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, you can make yourself more enticing to potential employers.
The Importance of Social Media in Business. (2017, September 18). Retrieved March 16, 2018, from https://www.lyfemarketing.com/blog/importance-social-media-business/
I appreciate that you made the qualifying statement “…presenting yourself [on social media] in a professional manner…” While social media and a strong online presence can greatly increase your odds of scoring a great job, it is important that people understand how and how not to use them. “…as much of a boon to your career as social media can be, it can also do harm if you don’t use it thoughtfully. More and more employers are Googling job candidates and current employees, and sometimes what they’re finding is damaging…Photos, status updates, Tweets, blog posts, and comments on other people’s blogs are all trackable – and can affect your reputation” (Green, 2011). As much as certifications and job titles look impressive on a LinkedIn Page, offensive comments and nonsensical rants on Facebook can completely eliminate any advantage you may have. As Dr. Green always says, recruiters are looking for reasons to eliminate you, not reasons to hire you.
Green, Alison. How Social Media Can Help or Harm your Career. (2011, May 2nd). Retrieved March 16, 2018. https://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/outside-voices-careers/2011/05/02/how-social-media-can-help-or-harm-your-career
Personal branding is what makes you stand out from others. It is your specification. It is the way how you carry your image to others. It is also very important that you show off your specification you want to show off. Dr. G always expresses how it is really important branding yourself is. If you do not have a good personal branding, then you will just be lost in the crowd with the rest ,So Make Yourself StandOut! Your core message should have a direct link with your personal branding. One example of how to create your branding, John Jantsch stated, “Find something that separates you from your competition; become it and speak it to everyone you meet” (Jantsch 2003). When you find something that makes you stand out from others and you become it, then it becomes who you are and your personal branding.
Jantsch, John. Duct Tape Marketing: The World’s Most Practical Small Business Marketing Guide. Thomas Nelson, 2011
Hi Devontrae,
I really liked your insight on this topic. I liked how you said “your core message should have a direct link with your personal brand.” This applies to how you need to present yourself on social media. Studies show that “Social media use on mobile devices is seeing a 30% growth every year.” (Smith 2017) This growth rate just magnifies the need to make a positive impression on social media. It shows the growing importance and reliance that potential employers may be putting on your social media presence. Making a positive impact could possibly be what sets you apart from the competition. Again, very insightful post. Thank you.
The Importance of Social Media in Business. (2017, September 18). Retrieved March 16, 2018, from https://www.lyfemarketing.com/blog/importance-social-media-business/
Personal branding used to be an issue of getting your name out there in the world. Now, this isn’t so much an issue. The biggest problem people have is setting themselves apart from others. Dr. Green wrote, “Today’s employers are searching for prospective employees who stand out against mediocre competition.” I really agree with this assessment. An employer can look on LinkedIn and find many candidates that match what they are looking for. What makes your brand stand out? Jason Demyers writes, “Before you can establish or develop your expertise, you have to decide what you want to be known for.” This is really powerful when you think about it and it gives you more to think about when you are posting or sharing on social media. Looking at that statement and figuring out your end goal can really help you succeed in establishing a personal brand.
Demyers, Jason. Inc.com, 5 Steps to Building a Personal Brand, 2014,
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Personal branding is all about marketing and selling yourself to a specific target audience. It is critical to create a brand that is inviting and impressive to others. Our professor, Dr. Green, is constantly reiterating how important it is to create a good brand for yourself, because you never know who is watching. The way a person carries themselves and dresses themselves says a lot about who they are. You control your own brand. When hiring, companies aren’t always looking at who is the most qualified, and while that is an important factor, they also look to see who has what it takes to generate business for them based on their ability to relate well with others. Brian Tracy said it best in his video, The Importance of Personal Branding, “Your job is to do your job really well – continually think everyday how you can be better than you were yesterday” (2017). Each day is a new chance to be a better version of yourself and I believe with this attitude, opportunities are endless.
Tracy, Brian. The Importance of Personal Branding. YouTube. Brian Tracy, 2017.
Thank you for sharing Abby. I really liked what you had to say. I agree with you. I also think you control your own brand and you can use your brand to set you apart. This can lead to getting a job. Again, thank you for sharing.