Adding to your thoughts..According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, one out of every two Millennials—age 18 to 32–is either unemployed or under-employed. “Numbering approximately 80 million people (there are actually more Millennials than Baby Boomers), this cohort is now the most educated, yet most-indebted generation in history” [1].
The workforce is challenged by both globalization and international outsourcing. Michael Malone and Tom Hayes note an interesting term called “robo-hiring” through computer modeling and software filtering (which is impersonal and test scores and checked boxes count more than life experience).
Today’s millennial job seeker must figure out how to use the “robo-hiring” to market themselves as unique; to rethink their social media presence. Malone and Hayes suggest “Turn your public social media presence into a showcase of your personal brand and portal of interests and skills”. This all sounds like a good approach for the already digital generation, but until the economy improves, I fear this generation will continue to be challenged to find work in their fields of education.
[1] Why Your Kid Can’t Get a Job by Michael Malone and Tom Hayes
Josh, during my undergraduate time, I was a member of SIFE (Students In Free Enterprise) and was able to gain some skills to help out with job interviews and take the edge off for those who were going to be having their first interview. We also were signed up for an email list that would send out job listings through SIFE’s partners in the region. Nearly all of them would had a minimum requirement of work experience to apply. As a college athlete, internships and work experience in the summer was not a viable option, so these “job opportunities” did not benefit me whatsoever. However, I can understand the need for these stipulations. As a study by Eric McWhinnie (2013) found that Graduates of the top 100 four-year programs who gained real work experience (for instance, completing an internship, working part-time, or participating in employer mentorship programs) feel better prepared for the workplace. Of those with such work experience, 77% say college prepared them well for employment, compared with 59% of students who lacked similar experience.” Due to this, students must typically work their way up from the bottom.
McWhinnie, E. (2013, May 24). [Web log message]. Retrieved from
Corbett, I would to respond to your earlier post about being a member of SIFE (students in free enterprise), and how much it helped you gain skills and relationships upon graduation. Building professional relationships is an astronomical tool in gaining employment that is absent from most college students extracurricular activities. According to a recent article on MainStreet, “employee referrals now account for 40% of hires nationwide.” A 40% chance of landing a job is pretty good odds in today’s economic climate for simply having a friend or acquaintance. This statistic should be eye-opening for college students who are zoned into video games or intramural leagues after class. Get out there, be social, build these relationships. It can be as simple as attending a seminar, or attending job fairs even before you are ready to graduate. Referral support is even growing among large companies, as it avoids the hefty payout to recruiters. Also, according to the New York Times, referred employees are 15% less likely to quit, (Schwartz, 2013).
Brian O’Connell April 2,2013
Best Way To Get That Dream Job? Referrals
Nelson D. Schwartz. January 27,2013
In Hiring, a Friend in Need Is a Prospect, Indeed
Excellent points! Thanks for your personal story.
You bring up an interesting point!
Is there a societal responsibility for educating the unemployed about job strategies? Most local governments have an unemployment center. Are they effective? If not, why?
Professor Green
I have not had any direct association with an unemployment agency so I am not in the best position to judge their effectiveness or ineffectiveness. However, in terms of if there is a societal responsibility for educating the unemployed about job strategies I would say there is a societal responsibility. I think we owe it to ourselves to be our brothers’ keepers and if we know of anyone who needs help or asks for help in either preparing a resume or preparing for that job interview we should render all the help we can. Many job seekers may not be aware of the many services offered by these employment agencies. I, for one think of employment agencies as an agency that hands out unemployment checks to those who qualify according to their guidelines. There should be more awareness on the various services that are offered to get that candidate back into the workforce.
I respectfully disagree with your comment that there is a societal responsibility for educating the unemployed about job strategies. I do not think that society is obligated to help people find jobs. I think that it is a noble thing to help someone in need, but not an obligation. I think that parents should prepare their children for the real world, which includes seeking and retaining gainful employment. “…the investment I’ve made in you is giving you a good education and then you’re on your own” (Sulliva, 2010). Now parents realize it is difficult for graduates to find a job even with an education. “Now it’s not how much money you have, but how big is your network and how can you connect them” (Sulliva, 2010). Parents must now help with resume preparation and interviewing techniques. Parents also should rely on their own networks to help their children get started in their careers. Educated graduates should understand that they are responsible, not society, for their own success including job placement.
Sulliva, P. (2010, May 28). Teaching Work Values to Children of Wealth. Retrieved July 22, 2013, from The New Your Times:
The creation of multiple federal hiring incentives like the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) and the
Welfare-to-Work (WtW) tax credit—were designed to encourage for-profit employers to hire from groups experiencing difficulties in the labor market. Recently extended by Congress to Dec 31, 2013, the unemployment rate remains dangerously high The economic environment has created an unrealistic work load for state unemployment centers, rendering them quite unsuccessful. State centers that have built relationships with area employers are dealing with folks that desperately need work and companies that are simply not hiring.
There must be a social responsibility, because the unemployment made negative impact on society and the economy as a whole, Add to this the moral responsibility. “The main impact unemployment has on society and the economy is the productive power that it withholds – i.e. any person who is unemployed could be doing something productive and thus contributing to the economy as a whole. Unemployment also has a direct cost to the government in the form of any unemployment benefits paid to the unemployed and in lost tax earnings.”[1].
I visited Knoxville center and I found there that employers can go to find workers they need, and unemployed can get career information and services. It is have 20 desktop computers for Internet access, three help desk, fax machine, 3 ground phone lines, and it have many rooms for workshops and training. All staff and collaborators but their number is not enough to meet the large numbers visiting the center, Add to this that they provide only basic services, still have to open a new center or a new section be to help unemployed understanding the new hiring process.
[1] The impact of unemployment on our society by James Jones
I do think we have a social responsibility to make the knowledge of job strategies available for those who would like to better equip themselves for the job market but I do not necessarily think it is a responsibility to educate the unemployed. As for the unemployment centers, I completely agree with Helen. There should definitely be more emphasis put on the services that exist to aid unemployed to find work.
Dr. Green:
There is definitely a societal responsibility for educating the unemployed about job strategies. The unemployment centers are failing the unemployed in this area.
After an unfortunate layoff a few years back, I went to my local unemployment office and filled out the initial paperwork. After that, the only thing required was to fill out a short, online form every week. I received a check in the mail each week for over a year. I should have been required to sit in classes with them, learning how to prepare a resume, search for a job and how to interview. None of this was offered.
According to the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development website (2013), The Employment Security Division also offers job seekers and students’ information to customize a job search and develop a career plan. However, nothing is mentioned about preparing for a job interview. I believe this is something they should offer, especially to those receiving unemployment benefits.
Retrieved July 13, 2013 from
Dear Professor Green,
I think that you posed a great question. I do feel that there is a societal responsibility for educating the unemployed about job strategies. The unemployment rate is currently 7.6% according to the Bureau of labor statistics U.S. Department of Labor (2013). I do believe that unemployment centers are effective and helping the unemployed seeks gainful employment. According to the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce, “states that for job seekers, we are a source for job training, information, placement and employment opportunities.” To reduce the unemployment rate we will have to supply people with the useful resources to help find a job.
U.S. Department of Labor (2013) Retrieved from:
July 21, 2013
You are the product you are promoting. You must make a good impression in a short time and stand out from the crowd of applicants seeking the same job. Boast politely about your skills and present them in a confident, convincing way that appeals to prospective employers. To convince an employer that you have much to offer, it is essential to know the full extent of your potential. Instead of getting locked into just one field, broaden your horizons to include a wide range of jobs that help showcase your talent and build your experience. Meaningful community service is highly recommended and gives you an edge over the next candidate. Ensure that as job search candidates, you keep a well maintained file to avoid confusion about employers and applications submitted. Make copies if possible of all documents submitted for references. Job-hunting can seem exhausting but this can help avoid unnecessary confusions. Apart from building your self-confidence, ensure that your resume is well written because it gives you a head start in the job search. Instead of apologizing for qualities and qualifications you do not have, mention only things you can contribute.
Interesting: “You are the product you are promoting.”
You are now merging operations management principles with marketing (i.e. personal branding).
Thus, many of these management principles are interconnected.
Therefore, I encourage everyone to think holistically about these management concepts.
Professor Green
I think you simple statement of “You are the product you are promoting,” is a wonderful way to view one’s self when thinking about the applying for a job. I stated in my earlier post that it is a very good idea to create a 30 second “elevator pitch” to describe yourself to your potential employers that might provoke some more questions. This could be a great way to add value to your application process. As we get older and switch jobs and have to re enter the job market we become operations managers for ourselves. Because we have to re evaluate the way companies are hiring employees and change our processes accordingly. Allison Doyle of the Job Search Guide recently wrote that creating networks and connecting with those networks through social media is becoming one of the most popular processes for those looking to find work.[1] Already having a created network can have you miles above the common college graduate.
[1] “Strategies and techniques for Job Search Success.” by Allison Doyle
Interesting! Does does personal branding fit into this employment process? Should prospects view themselves as a commodity?
Professor Green
Job candidates MUST be savvy to the technological advances used in recruiting. Big data now screens candidates using predictive technologies without ever communicating with candidates face-to-face. This is a tremendous disadvantage to the talent of a very qualified job seeker.
As the job seeking graduate pool continues to grow, Alison Green offers up the following advice, “make sure you’re really targeting your job search to positions that are a strong match. Random resume-blasting, never a good strategy, is almost entirely worthless right now. And you absolutely must make sure your resume and cover letter really spell out the case for why you and the position are strongly matched”. [1]
The internet is loaded with support in ideas and strategies to guide job candidates to the top of the pile, but until the “baby boomers” and the “genX”, workforce becomes confident in their retirement goals, the market for employment remains saturated.
[1] How the Recession Has Changed Hiring by Alison Green
I so agree with you that the screen out method used by companies is a tremendous disadvantage to the talent of a very qualified job seeker. Be as it may, I would say it all boils down to the way the resume is structured. It would be wise to take out time to research the company and more about the requirements of the job. With that, a new resume should be prepared to put in key words from the job description. There is no one resume that fits all job types and that is where even the most qualified would lose out on an opportunity. As for the company, they may lose out but who is to blame them. There has to be a process of weeding all the numerous applications that they receive for just one or two slots.
Your resume is probably your most important selling document, one that can determine whether you “make the cut” and get offered a job interview (Dessler, 1997, p. 414)
Dessler, G. (1997). Human Resource Management (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ. Prentice Hall, Inc.
I graduated college in 2011, so many of the processes probably have not changed much since then, but if you are looking for a job it can be a great asset to know potential employment processes used by companies to give yourself a better chance. According to Susan S. Davis of Demand Media, internal bulletins and personal recommendations are some of the best ways to “isolate some of the best job candidates”[1]. This strategy used by companies should be a very important tip for current college students because it emphasizes the importance of internships during college. From my experience an internship with a company during college can give you an “in” and create contacts that can give a leg up in the future job market.
Duane Hallock, a corporate communicator and marketing strategist, gives three great tools that every recent college grad needs to own: 1. Know your competition 2. create a unique elevator pitch 3. Blend your personal and professional lives. You must be able to describe yourself in 30 seconds that makes employers ask more questions. How you see the world around you is also important to employers because it goes beyond the professional world.[2]
[1] “Recruitment Strategies & Methods” by Susan S. Davis
[2] “How to Differentiate Yourself in a Competitive Job Market” by Duane Hallock
The change in employment processes since my graduated in 1999 was very big. The process of hiring has changed over the years and still continues to evolve as technology takes a giant leap forward. To keep up with this development, the companies are turning to a many ways approach to search for qualified applicants. The change after the economic crisis is the biggest, resulting in a painful truth that not every graduate is going to get a job. “A recent study has shown that half of recent college graduates can’t find jobs. Those who graduated since 2009 are three times more likely to not have found a full-time job than those from the classes of 2006 through 2008. Of those who did find a job, the study indicates that 43 percent had jobs that didn’t require a college degree.”[1].
The two important points for strategies job search are; new college graduates shouldn’t wait for the perfect job to come along immediately, and must prove they are have skills that what employers seeking for, be clear about your skills as a new college graduates.
[1] Today’s College Graduates: In Debt and Unable to Find a Job by John Lawrence
Good points! Should college grads be taught these job strategy skills before….they graduate?
Professor Green
This is a great topic for discussion given the state of our economy and it’s relation to abundance of workers chomping at the bit to land jobs.
Most of my college career I expected to go on to some professional school. All I interviewed for was how to get into a graduate school, either Masters or Doctoral program. I feel this is much different then interviewing outside of the academic world. I knew how to interview well but when time came to job search and make the right contacts I was in the dark because it was assumed I was just going to go on to Dental or Physical Therapy school. My last semester I decided to explore other options instead or going straight on to grad school. I know many friends who had the same experience, coming out of undergrad without a clue as to what to do next.
I noticed several common things that employers were looking for or avoided when searching for job candidates. These observations are made not necessarily from my own experience.
1. If you have any questionable content floating around online that you wouldn’t want on the front page of the paper…delete it.
2. Treat every online profile like a resume. You never know who’s looking at those old Facebook, Instagram, etc. photos from 6 years ago when putting all your pictures online was cool.
3. Just because you made straight As in school(I didn’t) doesn’t mean much without the intrapersonal skills to go along with all those book smarts. Malone comments that “managers need to look for the skills that really matter today in high potential young talent, attributes like cognitive load capacity, adaptability and social media skills. That one kid with the high GPA and stellar SAT scores may just be a drudge who took a lot of prep classes –while that other kid making clever…videos may have superior communications and social networking skills, a huge online following and an innate ability to redesign your company’s entire future”(1)
(1)“Why Your Kid Can’t Get a Job” by Michael S. Malone
Interesting observations!
You bring home something most folk miss….the greater importance of a social media/online personality for employment! Having no online image can be a nightmare too in relationship to a bad online image.
Any thoughts?
Professor Green
Spoken from personal experience, I have seen firsthand several people graduate from college with the intentions to take over the world, only to find that getting a job was not as easy as it seems in the movies. As I saw Chip say, college graduates typically do not have any connections to get them into a job in their field. A lot of times, the graduates simply take what they can get, whether or not it applies to their studied field in college, often rendering their degree wasted.
A large reason for college graduates struggling to find jobs is that they are getting degrees in fields that cannot meet the demand. For example, Rick Newman(2012) points out that 6% of college students major in Psychology and Visual and Performing arts each, with the market for those jobs lingering below 1%. In order to assist the students toward the jobs and lower the unemployment rate, colleges should provide statistics of job opportunities for each major and give the student a realistic preview of what lies ahead. This would help slow the unemployment process.
Newman, R. (2012, May 14). [Web log message]. Retrieved from
I enjoyed reading your comments and I agree with you when you stated that “colleges should provide statistics of job opportunities for each major and give the student a realistic preview of what lies ahead”. When we enter into college all of us have a dream and are pretty certain of what we want to do. I don’t think that there is much thought put into the major and the “realistic preview of what lies ahead”. I think that one possible solution is that College students should research a college major based on something that they would enjoying doing as their future career. In the article by Brian Burnsed, 5 ways to pick the Right College Major. He stated that “students should follow their hearts, not simply choose a major that betters job prospects. This would give college graduates the opportunity to earn a major that they really want and work in a field doing something that they like.
Brian Burnsed. (2011). 5 Ways To Pick The Right College Major. Retried July 21, 2013, from
July 21, 2013
I graduated from Pellissippi State Community College in May of 2005. Pellissippi State offered a job assistance program to a student that did not have a job or that was actively seeking a new place of employment at the time of their graduation. The job assistance program provided students with resume writing workshops, job fairs, employment opportunities and available internships. It is very important for college graduates to stay persistent and keep a positive attitude while seeking employment. In the article, Career Planning Strategies That Really Work, Calvin Bruce speaks to employment processes. He stated “that landing a good job after graduation calls for careful planning, persistence, and taking full advantage of any and all opportunities for career advancement”. College graduates must learn effective employment strategies if they want to have a successful career.
Diversity Employers. Career Planning Strategies That Really Work. Calvin Bruce: Vol. 25, No. 1
Retrieved from
July 21, 2013
Mimi I think the opportunity for students to take advantage of these resources may be greater at community colleges. I know they are often offered at every collegiate level but I question how many students they are reaching and how effective they are. In the article, Oh, Good: Only 1 in 4 Employers Say Colleges Do “a Good Job Preparing Students” Daniel Doherty states “Only one in four employers think that two- and four-year colleges are doing a good job preparing students for the global economy, according to a 2010 survey conducted for the Association of American Colleges and Universities.” I dont think colleges truly understand the marketplace in which they serve. The students are truly the secondary market and the workplace should be the first market. Although the students pay for college the return on investment only comes around in the economy if they can secure a job.
Doherty, D. (2013, August 26). Oh, good: Only 1 in 4 employers say colleges do “a good job” preparing students.
Retrieved from
As a recent college graduate who has only been in the workforce a few years, I remember the difficulty of graduating college in the height of an economic recession. However, I was able to find employment upon graduation, and while it may have been a job that did not require a college education, it was a great resume builder. Resume builder? Yes, I understand the process of selling myself and my attributes to employers that will help elevate my resume above the competition. My senior year of college required a seminar course structured around resume building. The fact is, employers are currently being bombarded with resumes from college graduates and simply do not have the time to adequately read an entire resume. Research shows that you have less than 45 seconds to capture the attention of the reader when analyzing you resume. (Ensign, 2012). Universities today put so much emphasis on course material that resume building is mistakenly taken as common knowledge. If resume building were common knowledge, employers would not continue to see the same resume errors from new graduates.
Selling Yourself in 45 Seconds or Less .
While the government contends that the recession is over, claiming that rates of unemployment stand at 8.3%, this figure goes up to 16-20% given the people who are working on a part time basis (Brooks & Ronfeldt, 2011). Since graduation in 2007, there have been more jobs, although the jobs are not necessarily as good since the pay is poor and most are part time or temporary. Employers now want people who can do multiple jobs, as well as people who are willing to be employed in fast-paced environments, which mean a person who can do work meant for three people, for example. In this environment, education and being marketable are key attributes while interning and/or networking are great paths to a career.
Brooks, Adrian. & Ronfeldt, Paul. (2011). Employment security. Leichhardt: Federation Press.
My major issue with school is that it does not prepare you for real life, college is no different. I remember in undergrad going to the English lab and library to get help with my resume. The line was out the door for the few slots for mock interviews. What I have learned I gathered along the way and what I see is that the information constantly needs to be updated.
I have said for years that if companies want more qualified candidates they have to take a more active role in letting candidates know what they want and helping to prepare them, similar to high school career days. I speak to many of my colleagues and we agree that our jobs and the interviews that we received were nothing like we expected. Brief descriptions online and wide variety of interview practices make it difficult to prepare.
Companies have to become as updated and non-traditional as the people they are interviewing. We still use antiquated questions, formal across desk interview tactics, and stereotypes based on old sociological inferences. You want the best, you have to seek them out and the arrogance of companies has become their own worst enemy.
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As a hiring manager who has filled multiple vacancies at my company employment strategy has changed over the last five years. I have noticed a definite change in the screening process. Often when faced with more than 30 resumes an initial screening is necessary. We now list “minimum qualifications” and “desired qualifications” in all of our job postings. Many candidates do not make it past the initial screening because they fail to realize the importance of these minimum qualifications. We call these minimums “hurdles” because either you meet them or you do not. An example of a hurdle requirement might be that a candidate must have three years experience in manufacturing. Students read these requirements and think they are implied based on their resumes, when in fact often the hiring managers don’t have the time or experience to “read between the lines.” Candidates need to explicitly state why they meet minimum requirements, or make it easy for hiring mangers to show they meet the hurdle requirements. I would advise reading the job postings and tailoring the resume to the position so that all hurdles are met. This will significantly increase the chances of passing the initial resume screening.
Excellent! It’s supports my propositions that a lot of folks are blinding putting in online applications without a full understanding of the employers’ expectations.
Professor Green